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Here is a short preview of my NEW book

                                                co-written with Laurie Jacobs

Darkness Optional: is the first in The Holy Truth series. It outlines the basics, clarifying who God is, and who we (souls) are. It explains the existence of ghosts, spirits and entities. It explains fear, darkness, and evil. This book points out that messages from God come to each of us, from many sources in our lives, from within, being the clearest source. In this book, we do not use parables or metaphors. The information is not vague and needs no interpretation. All things we tell you in this book are the truth, as we know it. We hope you will read it with an open mind.


I left my (living) body on July 29, 2012 and on that same day, entered a different living body. I have been here since that day. I have had countless experiences with the paranormal: with ghosts, spirits, souls, entities, demons and evil. In this book, I explain what I have learned from these encounters. Spirits still come to me for help. In this book, I tell my story. -Zak


A little over two years ago, I began hearing from God. I learned what the world needed to know to make changes toward evolution, toward a higher level of consciousness. I feel a great responsibility to tell others of God, and His love for us. -Laurie


In the human experience, there are two things that are assured. They are the nature of God and free will. Once understood, life and the after-life become more productive and more rewarding. God is perfection, personified. GOD does NOT work in mysterious ways. He does not give a gift, putting conditions on it. God does not promise His love, and then withdraw it. Religion uses the Bible, as a tool, to fear and guilt people into accepting their truths, as God’s truth. Churches use their forum to teach the untruths taught through the ages. Man’s “truth” is not God’s truth. Man’s truth is not even true. God does NOT: have an agenda, tell us how to live, what to believe, judge, condemn, or punish us for the choices made in life. If you read the Bible, do so with "discernment.” Determine what is true and what is not. Once you truly understand God, the Bible's truths and untruths will be clear. Many take the wrong parts as literal. Many passages are the total opposite of God. The Bible was written by men, and provided in an attempt to control men. Much of it offers/breeds justification for hate, prejudice, and mistreatment of others. It presents an angry God who punishes and damns. ANY information that presents God in this way, IS NOT from God. “We have a tremendous capacity, to turn people into less than us, and once you do that, you can justify a hell of a lot of awfulness.”—Greg Pirmann, former Pennhurst employee People don’t just do that in religion, they do it everywhere else too. Children-less than their parents, older people-less than younger people, animals-less than people, one religion-less than another religion, one race-less than another race, one color skin-less than another color. People justify treating each other like *#*%. -Zak

Religion presents a “false god” and requires us to worship him. It is men who benefit from religion and their model of God. Religion teaches fear of God, a blind obedience. When people believe in a God who makes demands and exacts punishments, they comply, out of a fear of the afterlife. A self-concept of unworthiness has been widely accepted. God created nothing flawed or imperfect. To suggest that He has done so, is evidence that He is not known. Jesus was the “Son of God” because He achieved God-consciousness. We are all children of God. Many await the “second coming” of Christ. There will be a second coming, just not in the way some expect. It is the awakening of the human race, to a knowledge that we are souls that do not die, but return to God. Human behavior is based on the individual’s level of consciousness/evolution, including: God consciousness, consciousness in love, fear, darkness, or evil. This book describes each, and tells how to achieve a higher level. Explained in every day terms are: Love, Souls, Spirits, Ghosts, Fear, Darkness, Evil, Demons, and Entities. Explained are: life's difficulties, effective prayer, soul movement, psychic abilities, and healing.


Selected shows from Ghost Adventures are reviewed, as well songs from Necrofusion.


Ohio State Reformatory A former inmate spoke of being a number, not a name. The on-site cemetery houses over 200 inmates. Tombstones are not marked by name, but by number. “I think when there’s like a dishonorable burial, you have a recipe for trapped souls”—Zak Bagans Are criminals who die in prison so unevolved that when their body dies they don’t even know they have changed form, so they stay in the prison, still serving their life sentence, feeling unworthy of moving on?

Kell’s Irish Pub “I want you to try and visualize....witnessing your own funeral. ‘I’m not at rest, look up here, I’m here, I’m not supposed to be dead. Why can’t you hear me? I’m up here. I’m not supposed to be dead. I was killed'..”—Zak Bagans The quote above, was me hearing the message from an unrested spirit. He wanted me to tell how he felt.—Zak

Ashmore Estates “Something had hit me and went right through….and I didn’t know what it was....I was living the part, like I wanted to actually take that shovel and smash somebody in the head with it.”-Brett Smock When he got “hit” with something, it stayed there. Brett didn’t want to hurt anybody, the demonic force did.—Zak


“Because you have so little faith. I tell you the truth....Nothing will be impossible for you.”—Matthew 17:20-21, Bible “For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love…”—2 Timothy 1:7, Bible The truth is the only thing that people won’t believe. We have hope, so we will keep speaking.—Laurie, Zak

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